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Enterprise Systems Integration LinksThis page contains interesting links related to the course Tik-86.141 Enterprise Systems Integration.Sites listed below and particularly under "Topics for Web assignments" are candidates for Web surveys performed by one person. Entries under "topics for practical assignments" are candidates for somewhat larger assignments that are best handled by a group of 2 or 3 students. The page will be updated regularly, bookmark and check it often. Let me know if there are interesting further candidate entries or if some links appear to be out of date. |
Research Sites and Projects |
The Association for Enterprise Integration maintains a WWW site with tutorials, discussion boards, and more.
Technische Hochschule Aachen, Department of Information Systems V. Center for Design Research at Stanford University. The Center for Coordination Science at MIT Sloane School of Management. The Stanford Learning Organization Web (SLOW). Rapid Design Exploration and Optimization programme of Defense Sciences Office. Enterprise Integration Laboratory at the University of Toronto. The Enterprise Project at the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute at the University of Edinburgh. PAKT, Program on Applied Coordination Technology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The MIT Center for Organizational Learning. The Globeman 21 (Global Manufacturing for the 21st Century) IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems) project. Manufacturing Systems Integration Division at Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory of NIST. The NIST Design, Process Planning and Assembly repository. Enterprise Integration for Manufacturing Systems project at Department of Manufacturing Engineering at Boston University. Unified process representation language project. The National Industrial Information Infrastructure Protocols (NIIIP) site. The ENGEN project of the ARPA Agile Manufacturing Initiative. The ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort public library, including a link to the KSL Interactive Ontology Server. The home page of the AIT Initiative. The Software Engineering Group at Laboratory of Information Processing Science at HUT is active in several areas related to software process modelling and improvement. The aim of the GECOS (Global Engineering COordination Support) project is to develop methods and IT tools for improving the performance of virtual engineering projects, i.e., projects taking place in a virtual enterprise with several autonomous parties. |
Enterprise Integration Frameworks |
The IFIP/IFAC Task Force on Architectures for Enterprise Integration and their General Enterprise reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM). CIM Open System Architecture page of CIMOSA Association. SAP Business Framework. |
Open Systems Architectures |
The Open Group (OSF) homepage, including the Open Group Architectural Framework documentation and the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) documents. Object Management Group (OMG) homepage, in particular their Common Object Request Broker Architecture and the OMG Manufacturing Domain Task Force. Open Blueprint, IBM's reference model for system interoperability. The Microsoft COM Technologies page and the OLE Development home page. OLE for Design and Modeling by Design and Modeling Applications Council. IBM's San Fransisco project, providing a Java-based framework for business applications based on distributed object technologies IBM Insurance Application Architecture. |
Enterprise Modelling |
Home page of European standards working group CEN TC310 WG1: Enterprise Modelling for CIM aiming at developing a standard for enterprise modelling. Enterprise modelling page from SINTEF. METIS from NCR Norway A.S and the enterprise modelling page therein. Enterprise modelling page from University of Koblenz. QFD Institute WWW site. |
Process Modelling and BPR |
IDEF Methods page of KBSI. Business Process Reengineering Online Learning Center. The GUIDE Business Rules Project final report by GUIDE International Corporation. Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Models. The Agility Forum, the leading provider of Agility knowledge, products, and consulting services to strengthen the U.S. economy. |
Product Modelling and PDM |
Product Data Management Information Center. Configuration Management Yellow Pages. U.S. Product Data Association. ISO TC184/SC4 information page on industrial data standards (STEP etc.). CIMdata home page. |
ERP, Workflow and Document Management |
SAP course notes from Central Michigan University. SAP Resource Centre Web site. Workflow Management Coalition. Document Management Alliance. The EDMS Advisor site provides various useful resources related the Electronic Document Management Systems. Workflow and Reengineering International Association (WARIA). Workflow tutorial from the Center for the New Engineer at George Mason University |
Integration Tools and Other Fancy Stuff |
Lotus Domino Server, an integrated Web application and messaging server. The InfoSleuth project at MCC aims at building an agent-based architecture for heterogeneous computing. InfoSleuth implements a community of cooperating agents that discovers, integrates and presents information on behalf of a user or application, for which it provides a simple, consistent interface. Team IT Web Service of the UK Computer Supported Cooperative Work SIG (Special Interest Group). Data Warehousing Institute. Data mining student's notes by Ruth Dilly, Queen's University of Belfast. Guided tour to developing ontologies using Ontolingua provided by Stanford University Knowledge Systems Laboratory. UMBC KQML Web. UMBC Agent Web. |
Topics for Web Assignments |
BPR Tool RepositoryStudy the Business Process Engineering Tool Repository maintained by Enterprise Integration Laboratory at University of Toronto. Report on the scope and type of tools contained in the repository. Are there any obvious gaps in the available tools?The Enterprise OntologyStudy the Enterprise Ontology released by the Enterprise project at the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute at the University of Edinburgh. Report on the scope of the concepts included in the ontology. Can you identify gaps, inaccuracies, or other areas where improvement is desired? |
Topics for Practical Assignments |
ConceptBaseInstall and test the ConceptBase system developed at TH Aachen, Germany. Create a brief report on the findings in WWW form. Comment especially on the preceived usefulness of the system for modelling enterprise processes for the purpose of integration. This assignment is somewhat more demanding than the others.AIØ WINDownload, install, and examine the AIØ WIN - Function Modeling and Activity Based Costing tool from Knowledge Based Systems, Inc. Prepare a brief report on the perceived utility and usefulness of the tool for its stated purpose.FirstSTEPDownload, install, and examine the FirstSTEP business modelling tool from Interfacing Technologies, Inc. Prepare a brief report on the perceived utility and usefulness of the tool for its stated purpose.ARIS Easy DesignDownload, install, and examine the ARIS Easy Design business modelling tool from IDS Scheer, Inc. Prepare a brief report on the perceived utility and usefulness of the tool for its stated purpose. (As size of the zipped demo package is 50 MB, you may prefer to order a demo CD-ROM from the Finnish agent CWG ChangeWare Group at info@cwg.fi.)Office.IQDownload, install, and examine the Office.IQ workflow and document management tool from Postfolio Technologies. Prepare a brief report on the perceived utility and usefulness of the tool for its stated purpose.BSCWStudy the BSCW system for Internet-based shared work provided by GMD. BSCW is a 'shared workspace' system which supports document upload, event notification, group management and much more. Prepare a brief report on the perceived utility and usefulness of the tool for its stated purpose.TeamWareThe finnish-origin TeamWARE Group offers a several interesting systems related to enterprise integration: the TeamWare Office groupwork system, the ProcessWise Workbench for process modelling, and the TeamWare flow for workflow management. Of these, the TeamWare Office is available for download and study. Download, install, and study the system from the viewpoint of enterprise integration. Prepare a brief report on the system.ProcessBuilderAction Technologies' ProcessBuilder - Analyst Edition is a tool combining process modelling and workflow management. Download, install, and study the system from the viewpoint of enterprise integration. Prepare a brief report on the system.LiveLink 8Livelink 8 is a "collaborative Web-based knowledge management tool" by Open Text Corporation. Study the demos available through the website, and prepare a brief report on the system.HyperwaveHyperwave Information Server is a Web-oriented document management system by Hyperwave Information Management GmbH. Download, install, and study the system from the viewpoint of enterprise integration. Prepare a brief report on the system.TuoviWDMTuoviWDM is a Web-based document management system that provides users with a unified interface to remote project information. At CERN it is the easy-to-use Web interface to engineering documents and drawings. Study the demos and information available through the website, and prepare a brief report on the system.OptixOptix and the related Optix WEB is document management system that enables businesses to publish all or portions of their document databases to their corporate Intranet (or to the entire Internet, if desired). Afully functional single user system can be downloaded from the site. Study the system and the demos, and prepare a brief report on the system(s). |
Further Links |
Business process re-engineering information center maintained by CompInfo. List of enterprise modelling and BPR tools. The home page of the Federation for Enterprise Knowledge Development that includes access to a nice mailing list on enterprise knowledge development and related subjects. Workflow management Web resources list maintained at Computer Science Department of University of Erlangen. SGML and HTML links maintained by University of Helsinki's document management group. Activity based costing site of ABC technologies, Inc. STEP links maintained by Department of Engineering Applications at Fraunhofer-IGD in Darmstadt. The Configuration Homepage provides a comprehensive list of links related to configuration research and to some of the vendors. The Swedish Institute of Computer Science also maintains a list of configuration related links. Knowledge management links collected for the Spring 1998 seminar on knowledge management held at HUT.
Martti.Mantyla@hut.fi Last update: 20.11.1998. |