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1.4.5 Actions on selected objects

Directly above the list of objects in a folder page you find the selection menu bar for actions which can be applied to several selected objects:

selection menu

Figure 1.4-5: Selection menu bar

Objects are selected by "ticking" their checkboxes.

    select all and select none are shortcuts for selecting or de-selecting all objects within a folder. For example:

     Edit    copy   or  Edit    Cut   transfer the selected objects - or their copies, respectively - to your clipboard

     Edit    delete   transfers the selected objects to your wastebasket.

    Objects transferred from a workspace to your clipboard or your wastebasket are no longer visible to the other members of the workspace.

Buttons such as action menu Reply   or  Edit    Rate   trigger actions that can be applied only to objects of specific types. BSCW actions are discussed in section 3.4.4. In chapter 6 all action menus for selected objects are shown.

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