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2.2.1 Starting a BSCW session

You start a session on a BSCW server (if you are not currently logged into this BSCW server) when you access an information object by

  • opening the URL

  • http://<your.bscw.server>/bscw/bscw.cgi/

    BSCW will display your home folder, which contains your folders and the workspaces you are a member of, with all the BSCW objects they include.

  • accessing an object in one of your folders or workspaces directly, using a URL, e. g. from your list of "bookmarks" or "favorites".

For login and identification, you have to submit your user name and your password.

After verification, BSCW lets you access the home folder of the user name you have specified.
If you have accessed an object in a workspace directly by specifying a URL, BSCW will immediately take you to the contents of this object. For instance, if somebody sends you the URL of a folder, you will see its folder page immediately on logging in (provided you have suitable access rights).

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