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3.1.2 List of entries

Figure 3.1-2: List of entries in a folder page

Every object entry contains the name of the current object, preceded by the information icon and an icon that represents the object type. The current object's name may be followed by an icon that acts as a link to a corresponding object. "Corresponding" is used here in the sense of workspace <--> members page; clipboard <--> home folder etc. For instance, in a workspace page, the link will take you to the members page (see section 4.5.1) of this workspace.

Sorting entries

BSCW will display the entries in different sort orders.

Select  View    Sort   to redisplay the page with the entries sorted in the desired order:

- by name

- by type

- by date

- by rating

Showing the full contents

You may display the contents of your folders in a special indented list that includes below each entry of a folder or discussion its list of entries, and below each entry of a note object its message.

Select  Action    Contents   in the context menu of your folder to get this list.

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