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3.2.3 Major differences to the Windows Explorer

In many respects you use the tree view and the list view like their explorer counterparts. There are a few differences, though - in JBrowser:

  • you cannot move or copy objects by drag & drop.
  • the tree view's fold in/fold out icons let you display or hide the names of the folders contained in a folder. These icons are displayed only after the folder has been opened and its content is displayed in the list view.
  • the list view allows you to sort the items by one of the categories - simpy click the respective column header to sort the table by this column. (Some of the columns that may be displayed cannot be used for sorting.)
    Sorting is done in JBrowser; the sort order in the HTML-based folder page is not affected.
  • some modifications of objects may not directly be reflected at the user interface, especially when you use the forms presented in the Web browser to change objects on the BSCW server. In this case you have to update the current view -- click the reload button to make JBrowser reload the updated information and display the modification. (Changes made within the JBrowser -- e.g. in-place editing of object names and description -- will automatically trigger a refresh in JBrowser.)
  • the optional info view is a JBrowser feature not available in the Windows File Explorer. The text field in the info view displays the description of the selected object or the message of the selected note. Both may be edited.

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