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3.2.5 Extended functionality

In the View menu and the Go menu, JBrowser offers a number of features that the Web-based user interface does not provide.

The View menu lets you determine the language in JBrowser's menus, the categories of information displayed in the list view and the way the columns in the list view react to resizing.

  • choose Preferences... from the View menu and
  • click the View tab to bring up the card that lets you select the categories of information about the BSCW objects that are to be displayed as columns in the list view. (Some of the categories are not available in the folder page of the Web-based user interface.)

    By choosing an Auto-resize mode you specify that columns in the list view have

    • a fixed width, so that it may take some horizontal scrolling to inspect columns that are initially outside the list view: Auto-resize Off;
      (In this mode you may resize any column individually by dragging the separators in the header row.)
    • a variable width, with all columns squeezed into the list view: all other Auto-resize modes;
      (Your specific choice here determines how resizing a column will be compensated by the other columns.)

  • choose Language from the View menu and
  • choose one of the provided languages (e.g. English or German) to have the names in the menu bar and the individual menu options displayed in the respective language. Some text items in the info view will also use the language you select.
    Please note that some of the language dependant components of JBrowser cannot be changed within JBrowser itself but depend on the language used within the Web-based BSCW environment. For example, the language of the JBrowser context menus and the language of the forms displayed in your Web browser cannot be changed in this menu. Their language is determined by your choice of user interface language in the Web-based user interface - cf. the section on the user preferences in BSCW (cf. section 2.3).
Modified preferences are in effect only for the current session. They revert to the default preferences when JBrowser is closed and started again.

In the Go menu and in the icon bar you may browse your navigation history, opening again the folders and discussions that you have already inspected in your current session:

  • click the back icon back
  • or

  • select Back from the Go menu

    to show the contents of the folder or discussion that is one step back in your navigation history.

  • click the forward icon forward
  • or

  • select Forward from the Go menu
  • to show the contents of the folder or discussion that is one step forward again in your navigation history.

  • click the up icon up
  • or

  • select Up from the Go menu to show the contents of the folder or discussion that is one level up in the folder path of the current object. Please note: your navigation steps among folders on the same level will be lost when you go back and up to the next higher level.

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