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4.1.1 Registering an additional email address

A BSCW server may be configured by its administrator to

  • enable users to register without any intervention from the administrator;
  • allow only the administrators and selected persons to register new users.

In this section we assume that your BSCW server allows registration without administrator intervention. That means that everyone may register with the BSCW server without the assistance of a system administrator.

It may happen that you receive an email asking you to register as a user of the BSCW server you have already been using. In fact the originating user only intended to invite you to a shared workspace. However, she or he invited you with a valid email address which is not recognized by BSCW as belonging to your user name.

In this case, repeat the registration procedure and specify the same user name as already registered and your current password. BSCW will respond by sending another email with a special URL. Opening this URL in your Web browser will bring up a form. Confirm in this form, by re-entering your password, that you want to register an additional email address for your user name.

This additional email address will then be included in your personal details form  Options    Details   . BSCW will use your primary mail address to send email messages to you, e.g. your daily activity report.

If you use any further email addresses, please also enter them in your personal details' form. This will enable BSCW to assign your user name correctly if one of these email addresses is used in a future invitation to a workspace. BSCW will send you a registration email to each additional email address. This is to ensure that the association of your user name with this email address is in fact valid.

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