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You may turn a folder or a discussion forum anywhere within your home folder into a shared workspace. You may  Cut   a shared workspace and  Paste   it anywhere in your folder hierarchy. This transfer of the workspace is not visible to the other members, while any transfer of objects inside the workspace is, of course.

There is a default position that BSCW uses to place a shared workspace that has not yet been assigned a position manually: the top level in your home folder.

Two kinds of workspaces are involved here:

  • A shared workspace to which you have just been invited as a new member.
  • BSCW places the folder that you may now access in the top level of your homefolder -- irrespective of the positions that this workspace has in the individual folder hierarchies of the other members.

    If a folder or discussion forum that is contained in a workspace "A" is turned into a shared workspace of its own (workspace "B"), the position of workspace "B"in the original workspace "A" remains unaffected for the members of workspace "A". The new members of workspace "B" see it in the top level of their home folders.

  • A new workspace that you create indirectly when you establish a new BSCW group by
    • selecting entries in your address book or a members page or a Participants page, and
    • choosing  make group   from the selection menu bar.

    BSCW creates a folder and places this folder in the top level in the home folders of all members you have selected (more in section 4.5.3). This is a feature for experienced users only.

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