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All folders of a BSCW server to which the user anonymous has been invited are listed in the public part of the server. The public part can be accessed by clicking the homeicon.

If you want to create a link to an object in a BSCW workspace -- e.g., from a public Web page -- you should proceed as follows:

  • Note the object's URL in your workspace (most Web browsers are able to copy the URL of a link to the clipboard).
  • Modify it so that it by-passes the log-in procedure and accesses the object directly.

The principle of the modification is demonstrated in the following example:

To a workspace member, the internal address of an object may be:

The bold segment of this address must be replaced as shown in this address for anonymous access:

Replacing "bscw" by "pub" has the effect that the BSCW log-in procedure (which is normally started when a user accesses the BSCW server) is by-passed. Access control, however, will not be by-passed: BSCW returns an error message if anonymous is not allowed to access the requested object.

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