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4.11.2 Folder path URLs

BSCW can convert the pathnames that are shown in the 'Your Location:' field of the folder listing to the corresponding internal addresses. This allows you to use this familiar address format to define links to objects in a BSCW workspace, in particular from other objects in that workspace.

Take as an example a document named article.html that contains a picture named pic.gif and refers to a second document doc2.html. The text of article.html might then contain the tags

<IMG SRC="pic.gif">
<A HREF="doc2.html">this document</A>

If the three files article.html, pic.gif and doc2.html are in the same folder, BSCW will convert the links correctly and display the requested files.

Files in subfolders, in folders higher up the directory tree or in a different branch of the tree of workspaces, and folders can be addressed in the same way, following standard UNIX notation.

If the image file pic.gif is in the subdirectory pictures, and the second document is in the folder Documents in a folder more, then BSCW will correctly convert the links

<IMG SRC="pictures/pic.gif">
<A HREF="more/Documents/doc2.html">this document</A>

Similarly, if the document doc2.html contains a link

<A HREF="../../article.html">previous document</A>

this is again converted correctly, if article.html is linked to from a document, that -- relative to article.html -- has two more directory levels before the name of the object -- as doc2.html in the example above.

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