5.1.7 Calendar Actions
This feature of BSCW can be very useful as a shortcut to some actions.
Through the Calendar, you have the following actions available to handle your appointments.
- Open - used to open the details of an item
- Catch up - used to take note of events of an item
- History - shows all events of an item
- Info - shows all the information about an item
- Edit - shows all the possible information editable of an item
- iCalendar - used to exchange format for calendar tools, e.g., Outlook and StarOffice
- Copy - makes a copy of the selected item in your clipboard
- Cut - move the selected item to your clipboard
- Delete - remove the selected item and put it in the waste bastket
The Delete action can be reversed, using the option "undelete" on your Wastebasket.
The Cut action can be reversed, using the option "To Calendar" on your Clipboard.