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5.2.1 Starting JMonitor

Login to your BSCW server and select action menu JMonitor   from the action menu of your home folder to start the JMonitor applet. When you start JMonitor the first time, it will be installed with your Web browser (given that your browser supports Java applets and their local installation).

JMonitor uses two windows that open when you start the applet: the JMontior console window and the JMonitor applet window. Both windows are required by JMonitor to work properly, so don't close anyone of them unless you want to shutdown JMonitor. The console window will only display some system messages and may hence be minimized to reduce the occupied screen space. Starting the JMonitor may take a moment or two. In the process you will be asked to provide your user name and password for that server.

Once JMonitor has been started from a BSCW server, communication between server and applet can be initiated by either party -- provided there are no technical obstacles (please note that JMonitor won't work when using firewalls or secure connections).

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