Begin forwarded message:
> From: Neena Thota <>
> Date: 12. kesäkuuta 2012 19.50.18 UTC+3.00
> To:
> Subject: [latice-2013] Call for Papers: LaTiCE 2013
> Reply-To:
> Dear Colleague,
> We cordially invite you to submit papers or poster proposals to the LaTiCE 2013 conference in Macau, March 2013.
> Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues and relevant mailing lists.
> Thank you.
> For LaTiCE Organizing Committee
> Neena Thota
> ===========================================================================
> Call for Papers: LaTiCE 2013
> Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering
> Macau 21st to 24th March, 2013
> Conference website:
> Contact email:
> The aim of the Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE) conference is to review and develop current practices and research now being done in computing and engineering education. The conference serves to facilitate introduction for potential partners and themes for future international collaboration and research in the field. The conference will also focus on the unique challenges of learning and teaching computing and engineering in multi-cultural contexts in universities and high schools and emphasize innovative and emergent practices that are informed by pragmatic scholarship.
> The conference is jointly organized by the School of Intelligent Systems and Technology, University of Saint Joseph, Macau, and Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG), Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. The conference is co-sponsored by the Special Technical Community for Education Research (STC Education) which is an IEEE Computer Society initiative to connect those interested in all forms of educational research and pedagogy in the field of computing and engineering.
> The conference will include a Doctoral consortium, as well as gatherings for presentations of research papers, practice sharing papers, work in progress papers, group discussions, display of posters, and demos.
> The main themes for the conference are:
> ñ Cross cultural aspects of computing and engineering education.
> ñ Computing and engineering education research, methodologies and results.
> ñ Educational technology, software, and tools.
> ñ Teaching innovations, best practices, experience sharing in computing and engineering education.
> ñ Course module design, proficiency assessment, and module cross-accreditation.
> Guidelines for papers, posters, and demos
> ñ Research papers (8-10 pages) present original, unpublished work relevant to the conference themes. Papers may be theoretical or based on empirical investigations. Papers are evaluated with respect to their theoretical sophistication and the quality and relevance of the research.
> ñ Practice sharing papers (4-6 pages) and Work-in-progress papers (4 pages) present original, unpublished work with a focus on innovative and valued practices within specific institutions. They can present preliminary results or raise issues of significance to the discipline. Practice sharing papers are mainly evaluated in terms of the scope of the evaluation of the innovation. All papers are evaluated by the potential relevance to other institutions and to their perceived impact on the community.
> ñ Poster/demo (2 pages abstract) should present innovative ideas for work in the early stages related to research, teaching practice, or tools. Demonstration of tools should stress the methodology and can include some hands-on work for participants.
> Guidelines are also available at:
> The conference will include group discussion themes for participants:
> â–ª Improving student engagement in computing and engineering.
> â–ª Collaborative learning in computing and engineering - team and project skills.
> â–ª Course design.
> â–ª Cross-regional and cross-level recognition and accreditation of course modules.
> â–ª Multi institutional collaborative research in the area of attitudes and perceptions of computing and engineering.
> â–ª Graduate careers.
> â–ª Methodologies and role of theory in research on computing and engineering education.
> â–ª Constitution of LaTiCE network for research collaboration.
> The review process is in two stages: (1) review of abstracts; (2) double-blind peer review of papers based on accepted abstracts.
> ñ All papers should follow the IEEE Xplore Conference Publishing formatting guidelines. Templates are available at:
> ñ All authors must register and pay the conference fee in advance for the paper to be presented. No shows would result in the paper being withdrawn and not being included for upload to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
> ñ All submissions are uploaded and reviews communicated using the EasyChair review management system:
> Important Dates
> Abstract deadline: September 17, 2012
> Abstract acceptance: October 1, 2012
> Paper and poster/demo deadline: November 19, 2012
> Notification of final acceptance: January 21, 2013
> Start of registration: January 21, 2013
> Final version deadline: February 25, 2013
> Doctoral consortium: March 21, 2013
> LaTiCE conference: March 22 to 24, 2013
> LaTiCE Organizing Committee
> Program Chairs:
> Anders Berglund, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Neena Thota, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Organizing Chairs:
> Joao Garrot, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Richard Whitfield, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Publications Chair:
> Arnold Pears, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
> Anna Eckerdal, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Richard Whitfield, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Program Committee Members:
> Baharuddin Aris, University Teknologi, Malaysia
> Reyyan Ayfer, Bilkent University, Turkey
> Anders Berglund, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Tony Clear, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
> Valentina DagienÄ—, Vilnius University, Lithuania
> Mats Daniels, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Anna Eckerdal, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Joao Garrot, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
> Ari Korhonen, Aalto University, Finland
> José Lagarto, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal
> Wilfred Lau, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
> Greg Lee, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
> Lauri Malmi, Aalto University, Finland
> Robert McCartney, University of Connecticut, USA
> Arnold Pears, Uppsala University, Sweden
> Marian Petre, Open University, UK
> Judy Sheard, Monash University, Australia
> Mohamad Shenify, Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia
> Simon, University of Newcastle, Australia
> Erkki Sutinen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
> Matti Tedre, Stockholm University, Sweden
> Neena Thota, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Richard Whitfield, University of Saint Joseph, Macau
> Chen-Chih Wu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
> ===========================================================================
> Call for Papers: LaTiCE 2013
> Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering
> Macau 21st to 24th March, 2013
> Conference website:
> Contact email:
--- Ari archie Korhonen <> Senior Scientist, D.Sc. (Tech) Aalto University School of Science Gsm: +358-44-519 6948 on 2012-06-13 klo 08.13 EEST
Tämän arkiston loi hypermail 2.2.0 : 2012-06-13 klo 08.13 EEST