Scheme-robo -- automatic assessment system for Scheme exercises

Scheme-robo is an automatic assessment system for programming exercises written in the Scheme programming language. It is meant for programming courses where students write many small programs in Scheme.


You can download Scheme-robo from here in .tar.gz format. The package includes documentation and a ChangeLog.


Scheme-robo is an automatic assessment system for programming exercises written in the Scheme programming language. It is meant for programming courses where students write many small programs in Scheme.

Basically, Scheme-robo takes as input a solution to an exercise (usually written by a student and submitted to the system in some way) and some exercise-specific configuration. Scheme-robo does various kinds of tests (e.g., test runs) on the solution and returns a number of points and a set of comments to be given to the student.

Scheme-robo is not a complete automatic assessment system. It does not handle course management tasks such as collecting points from different exercises or receiving submissions from students. Scheme-robo should be thought of as a module to be plugged in to some kind of course management system. As a minimum, the course management system needs to receive submissions from the student, send them on to Scheme-robo, maintain a database of points received for various q exercises, and give the points and comments from Scheme-robo back to the student in some form. (We are also creating a generic course-management system where Scheme-robo could be plugged in. This will also be available as free software once we get it finished.)

Scheme-robo executes student code in a metacircular Scheme interpreter. Thus, test runs are specified as Scheme procedure calls, and the actual return value is usually compared to a set of correct solutions. The comparison is usually done with a standard equality predicate. Thus, there is no need for student code to read input or print out values, and we avoid the problem of parsing output written by student code. The metacircular interpreter also gives us a ``sandbox'' where student code can be safely executed: the interpreter does not include potentially dangerous features such as file I/O.

Some other features of Scheme-robo are:

Scheme-robo is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License.


Scheme-robo is written as a combination of Unix shell scripts and Scheme code. The shell scripts are very simple and easily reimplemented in any other language. The Scheme code uses some of the special features provided by the Scheme implementation MzScheme.

Thus, Scheme-robo currently requires:

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