Mini-conference for CS students
Otaniemi, May 19-21, 2003

Call for presentations

English summary

The program of the the National Conference of the Finnish Society for Computer Science ("Tietojenkäsittelytieteen päivät") contains a mini-conference for Computer Science students. It offers to the students a possibility to describe their research area or results of their works. The topic of a presentation may be within any area of Computer Science.

The presenter should be an undergraduate or graduate student of Computer Science. The talk may also be presented by a group of students. The length of a presentation is 30 minutes. The language of the presentations is normally Finnish of Swedish. If the native language of the speaker is some other, the presentation can be held in English.

Please submit the URL to the summary of your presentation to the program committee. The summary should be in the html or pdf format, and its length should be about two A4-sized pages when printed. Please send the following information by email to the address

  • your name
  • telephone numbers
  • address
  • URL of your home page
  • years of graduating (including high school)
  • is your presentation associated with studies, research project or something else
  • possible advisory and collaboration relationships
  • URL of the summary

The 12 best presentations will be chosen. A proceedings will be published.

The important dates:

  • March 17, 2003: Deadline of the summary
  • April 14, 2003: Notification of the acceptance
  • May 19-21 2003: Mini-conference

More information: Jorma Tarhio ( and Antti Valmari (