The JVG (Java Vector Graphics) package

Certified 100% pure Java by Sun in June 1998.

Current version: 1.0. Price: $ 50 (20 licenses). Date: 2 July 1998.
New features from 1.0 beta 1: PNG import.

Previous version: 1.0 beta 1. Price: Free. Date: 12 June 1998.
New features from 1.0 Early access: PNG saving.

This is a package that gives the possibility to record AWT drawing operations and save them onto disk. The saved files can be opened and the graphics operations replayed.

The "JVG" image format is used for saving image objects as serialized Java objects. JVG files are quite compact because they are automatically GZIPped and Pixmap images are stored only once even if they are used several times (which is not necessarily the case for PICT files, for instance).

Macintosh PICT files can be imported, which makes it possible to use vectorial drawings created with existing software. Imported images are shown as well as possible in the limits of the current AWT.

The AWT Graphics object is quite limited so all PICT instructions cannot be implemented. The new Java 2D API will provide some solutions to this, which will be integrated into the JVG package as soon as the Java 2D API is released.

Future developments will include exporting JVG images into Macintosh PICTs and supporting some other formats, like WMF.

Image saving formats supported in addition to those of the JIS package are:

Supported formats for reading images are:


To download a 1.0 evaluation version click here (220 kb). Registration instructions are included in the package, but you can also have a look at pricing conditions etc. here. To download the 1.0 documentation, click here (80 kb)

You can still download the free beta 1 version. To download it, first send a message to
with your first and family names, your company name and your E-mail address and then click here (144 kb) to download the package! The zipped Javadoc-produced documentation is available here (82 kb).


Unzip the main archive into "C:\Jvg" or some other directory if you prefer. The "C:\Jvg" directory will contain a "docs" directory, where the documentation files should normally be unzipped.

A great number of example applications are included, which you can find in the "Jvg/demo" directory.

Unix users and others: More file formats will be available in the future, sorry if you have problems with the ZIP format.

Version history

1.0 beta 1. Price: Free. Date: 12 June 1998.
New features from 1.0 Early access: PNG saving.

1.0 Early access. Price: Free. Date: May 1998.
Included image recording and replay, image serialisation, PICT import and the JIS 1.1 package.