The page will be updated regularly, bookmark and check it often. Let me know of further sites of interest. Last update: 9.2.1998.
The International Knowledge Management Network aims at the promotion and development of knowledge management within organisations and agglomorations of organisations. Main objectives are the improvement of business processes and enhancement of competitive power by employing an integral and problem oriented approach to knowledge management.
The Knowledge Management Server at the University of Texas at Austin includes an index of knowledge management sites.
The World Wide Web Virtual Library on Knowledge Management provides a large collection of position statements and information, including an Interview with Tom Davenport and Larry Prusak.
KM Metazine is a WWW journal on Knowledge Management published in two distinct, but complementary formats: KM Briefs and the complete KM Metazine. KM Briefs is the abbreviated "Executive Summary" version of the full publication. KM Briefs is available in print and in Acrobat Portable Document Format. KM Metazine is an expanded, full-text, hyper-linked version, containing more information than KM Briefs.
Knowledge, Inc., the executive report on knowledge, technology and performance.
Position Paper on Knowledge Asset Management by Ann Macintosh, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh.
CIO Magazine - Reality Check - Knowledge Management: Article and pointers on knowledge management.
Knowledge Management Resources presented by David Skyrme Associates.
Taking Inventory of Your Knowledge Management Skills by C. Jackson Grayson, American Productivity & Quality Center.
Doctoral thesis Practical Techniques for Organizing and Measuring Knowledge by Timothy Christian Lethbridge, University of Ottawa.
The Federation for Enterprise Knowledge Development (FEND) is a non-profit federation of leading companies and universities working in collaboratorion to research, develop, test and disseminate the state of the art in Knowledge Management and Innovation.
Proceedings of Tenth Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, Banff, Canada, November 1996, particularly tracks for Corporate Memory and Enterprise Modeling and Distributed Knowledge Modeling over the Internet. The site includes all papers in HTML format.
Accepted submissions for Eleventh Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management, Voyager Inn, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Saturday 18th to Thursday 23rd April, 1998. The site includes all papers in HTML format.
AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management took place at Stanford University, March 24-26, 1997.
Sixth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 10-14, 1997, Las Vegas, NV.
grapeVINE Technologies develops and markets innovative knowledge management software products designed to capture and manage the information in an organization's documents and the knowledge in its managers' minds.
Wincite Systems' customized software and services give organizations the power to leverage intelligence, improve decision-making and increase the bottom line.
Cogito Incorporated, with headquarters in Richland, Washington, has developed a highly intelligent sentient system. Most companies keep copies of documents like drawings, inventories, etc. which may be out of date almost as soon as they are produced. With Cogito, knowledge is stored that can produce any of millions of relevant documents quickly and easily.
KnowledgeX, Inc. provides solutions to organizations seeking to manage their intellectual assets and collective knowledge for competitive advantage.
Carnegie Group, Inc. is a provider of knowledge-based software solutions for complex business problems in a wide range of industries. Knowledge system integration business is supported by a line of applications, technologies, and associated services, including education and consulting to support the transfer of knowledge-based technology to the client.
LearnerFirst, Inc. site including articles and links on knowledge management.
David Skyrme Associates home page.
TPFL home page.