John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0-471-00214-3
With the help of this sure-fire text, your students will be able to find, understand, and use state-of-the-art techniques in parametric and feature-based CAD/CAM. The book introduces features and geometric modeling techniques, and discusses the conceptual development of features as modeling entities.
The authors illustrate the use of features for a variety of engineering design and manufacturing applications, develop a set of broad functional requirements, and address a number of high level design issues. Included are specific techniques, algorithms, data structures, and computer codes that will enable your students to immediately implement all the information in the text.
Written for graduate levels courses in the design use of CAD/CAM.
CONTENT PART I BACKGROUND: 1. Introduction. 2. Geometric Modeling. PART II FUNDAMENTALS: 3. Feature Concepts. 4. Feature Creation Tecniques. PART III APPLICATION OF FEATURES: 5. Features in Design. 6. Features in Manufacturing. 7. Feature Mapping and Data Exchange. PART IV DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION: 8. Design-by-Features Techniques. 9. Feature Recognition Tecniques. 10. Implementation Tools. 11. Feature-Based Process Planning. PART V BEYOND FEATURES: 12. Future CAD/CAM Technologies.
1-00214-3 $64.95 640 pp. cloth 1996