[1]This thesis is available on the Internet, at URL http://www.cs.hut.fi/~mtu/thesis.html

[2]A comprehensive list of agent-related pointers can be found at URL


[3]National Science Foundation NET

[4]Internet's wide-area database query protocol

5This graph is available at Internet Domain Survey URL


[6]"Don't do that again" or "I really liked this article"

[7]i.e. human-like

[8]Harvest URL http://rd.cs.colorado.edu/harvest/

[9]List of WWW agents, http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/robots.html

[10]Lycos URL http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu/

11Uniform Resource Locator that is the address of a Web page

[12]Commerce which does not require the prior conclusion of a trading contract between the two parties

[13]Takes the initiative to search for information to fulfill some goal

[14]Positively appreciated and unexpected discoveries

[15]NewsHound URL http://www.sjmercury.com/hound.htm

[16]Ringo URL http://ringo.media.mit.edu/

[17]Webhound URL http://webhound.www.media.mit.edu/projects/webhound/

[18]The early version of the personalised software agent for OtaOnline project

[19]KQML URL http://www.cs.umbc.edu/kqml/

[20]Safe-Tcl URL ftp://thumper.bellcore.com/pub/nsb/st/safe-tcl.txt

[21]Java URL http://java.sun.com/

[22]Information about Telescript can be found at General Magic URL http://www.genmagic.com/



[24]OpenDoc URL


[25]An ontology is a repository of knowledge over a certain domain.

[26]Pronounced "Tickle"

[27]Host ftp.fv.com in directory /pub/code/other

[28]A term for HotJava applications