Mobile Media Workshop

with Prof. Marc Davis, UC Berkeley

23.8.2004 at HIIT

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology's (HIIT) Mobile Content Communities (MC2) project arranged a workshop about mobile media on August 23rd, 2004. The guest for the workshop and the keynote lecturer was professor Marc Davis from UC Berkeley's Garage Cinema Research group. Below is the material presented and generated at the workshop.


Marko Turpeinen's slides about the workshop, including discussion themes and questions (MS Powerpoint).

Marc Davis' presentation on Mobile Media Metadata (MS Powerpoint)

Group discussion bullets

Related work

R. Sarvas, E. Herrarte, A. Wilhelm, and M. Davis. Metadata Creation System for Mobile Images. MobiSys 2004, Boston, MA, USA. ACM Press. 

M.Davis and R. Sarvas. Mobile Media Metadata for Mobile Imaging ICME 2004 Special Session on Mobile Imaging, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.

R.Sarvas, M.Viikari, J.Pesonen, and H.Nevanlinna. MobShare : Controlled and Immediate Sharing of Mobile Images, Multimedia 2004, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press
 (forthcoming 2004).

M.Davis, S. King, N. Good, and R. Sarvas. From Context to Content: Leveraging Context to Infer Media Metadata. Multimedia 2004, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press (forthcoming 2004).

Aware platform  by John Evans, Andrew Paterson and Mika Raento,

Pictures (i.e., mobile media)