CS laboratory HUT


Seminar on Knowledge Engineering


Meetings on Mondays from 16:15 to 19:00, according to the schedule shown below.




22.1.2001 First meeting
29.1.2001 ---
5.2.2001 XML (Juho Jussila)
XML Linking (Martti Meri)
12.2.2001 XML Schema (Kenneth Kronholm)
XML Query (Lasse Pajunen)
19.2.2001 ---
26.2.2001 XML Protocol (Jarmo Korhonen)
Style Sheets (Johannes Lehtinen)
5.3.2001 RDF Model and Syntax (Markus Koskela)
ebXML (Martti Meri)
12.3.2001 RDF Schema (Juha Sorva)
UDDI (Jussi Tella)
19.3.2001 Ontology languages and Web standards (Jarmo Korhonen)
OIL (Ville Kotovirta)
SHOE (Mari Korkea-aho)
26.3.2001 Topic Maps, XTM (Lasse Pajunen)
CC/PP (Johannes Lehtinen)
NITF & XMLNews-Story (Mari Korkea-aho)
2.4.2001 RSS (Jorma Rinkinen)
DAML (Ville Kotovirta)
Tools for RDF (Jorma Rinkinen)
9.4.2001 Annotation (Jussi Tella)
RDF and logics (Markus Koskela)
PRISM & NewsML (Juho Jussila)
16.4.2001 ---
23.4.2001 Building web site with topic maps (Juha Sorva)
Semantic portals (Kenneth Kronholm)