List of Exercises known to the TRAKLA

This is a list of the titles of exercises currently known to the TRAKLA server. The titles shown in italics are not checked by TRAKLA. The titles with Web-link are demonstation exercises of WWW-TRAKLA and TraklaEdit. In order to see the graphical editor of the exercise the Java language should be enabled in your Web browser.

Note that most of the interactivity of the system cannot be demonstrated without registration. That means the autocorrection feature (export) is not available in these exercises.

On-line documentation

TraklaEdit Beginners Guide
TraklaEdit User Manual

Basic Data Structures

Linked list; array implementation
Stack manipulation; postfix notation
Queue manipulation; circular array implementation
Deque (double-ended queue) manipulation
Traversing binary trees: preorder, inorder, postorder, level order
Analysis of Algorithms

Sorting Methods

Quicksort (finding a median)
Radix exchange sort and straight radix sort
Heap manipulation; array implementation
Bottom-up heap construction
Merging and replacement selection
Polyphase merging

Dictionaries (search structures)

Elementary searching: binary and interpolation
Building a binary tree and deletion of a node
Building a 2-3-4 tree
Hashing: separate chaining
Hashing: linear probing
Hashing: double hashing
Building a digital search tree
Building a radix search tie

String Manipulation

Pattern matching with finite state machines
Building a pattern matching machine
Building a parse tree for a given regular expression
Compression: run-length encoding
Compression: building the Huffman code
Cryptology: Caesar cipher
Cryptology: table substitution method
Cryptology: Vignere cipher

Graph Algorithms

Adjacency list implementation of a graph
Non-recursive depth-first search using a stack
Building a recursive depth-first search tree
Breadth-first search using a queue
Building a breadth-first search tree
Building a union-find forest
Building a shortest-path spanning tree
Topological sorting
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at