Juha Hyvönen
Helsinki University of Technology
email: juha.hyvonen@hut.fi

1. Introduction

1.1 General

TRAKLA is an electronic mail (email) based system for teaching basic computer science data structures and algorithms. It distributes homework exercises and evaluates the students' answers automatically. The exercises are individually tailored for each student so that copying the answers from others is not possible. The student receives exercises by email, solves the problems using an interactive editor, and sends the answers back using email. TRAKLA is used at Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) in the basic course of data structures and algorithms (CS7).

1.2 Trakla Server

The TRAKLA Server consists of three main components (Figure 1):

mail server

Figure 1. TRAKLA Server Components

First the student sends a registration request to the mail server. The mail server has a simple command language all messages sent to the server must follow. A registration message looks like the following:

#id 12345s
#name Brian Kottarainen

1.3 Trakla Editor

The TRAKLA Editor is a program that eliminates the errors involved in the server command language and the internal format of the exercises. It is a graphical editor that takes the exercise text as input, presents it graphically if necessary, offers interactive tools to solve the problem, records the intermediate steps the student does to solve it, and finally generates the answer using the required textual format. The student does not need to know anything about the server command language or the textual format of either the exercise or the answer

The editor is an add-on component to the TRAKLA server as it reads and generates the format the server understands. The editor consists of three main components (Figure 2)

editor tools

Figure 2. TRAKLA Editor Structure

The parser reads the tailored exercises that the TRAKLA server has sent and the visualiser presents them in graphical form. The user solves the exercises using editor tools that form the user interface. All (necessary) actions are recorded and when the student is done, the answer is generated in textual form to be sent back to TRAKLA server.

2. General User Interface

2.1 Menus

The menu bar of TraklaEdit consists of the (Apple) menu, five application menus, and a version number of the application.

About TraklaEdit displays an alert window (see first page).
Help gives general help about the application.

Close closes the frontmost window.
Import TRAKLA questions opens a standard open dialog box for selecting a exercise text file sent by the TRAKLA Server.
Export TRAKLA answers opens a standard save dialog box for saving answers in a text file. The file is of type 'TEXT' and can be viewed and edited with any word processor.

Edit menu is not used by TraklaEdit application.

The Exercise is used to select the exercises. Some items may be dimmed indicating that the editor has not been implemented.

History menu provides a mechanism to multiple undos and redos. It is not available in all editors.

Forward redoes the latest undone event.
Backward undoes one (latest) event.
Play replays all events that have been undone.
Play reverse undoes all events.

2.2 Standard Buttons

There are three standard buttons in (almost) every editor window:

Reset restores the original exercise setup.

Export tells the application that the user has completed this exercise and it can be saved (when exporting the answers).

? gives context-sensitive information for current exercise.

Text shows the exercise in textual form.

3. Exercise Interfaces

The numbering of the exercises is the same as in spring 1994 course.

3.1 Round #1: Fundamental Data Structures

Exercise 1.3: Contents of a queue

Drag letters from input stream into the queue table and from the queue into the output stream.

You cannot drag the "get" items (marked "*").

Exercise 1.4: Contents of a deque

Drag letters from input stream into the deque and from the deque into the output stream.

You cannot drag the "get" items (marked "<" and ">"). 3.2 Round #2: Searching methods

Exercise 2.3: Binary Search Tree

The editor presents an empty binary tree "mask" at the bottom of the window. The user drags the circled letters from the top row one by one into the binary tree.

If a letter is placed on a reserved node its contens are replaced with the new letter. The previous letter which is zoomed back to its initial position in the top row.

Any letter in the binary tree can be moved to an empty node in the tree. If the node is reserved the letters are swapped (in the tree).

If option key is pressed while clicking on a letter (in the tree) its initial place on the top row is highlighted.

Exercise 2.5: Hashing; Separate Chaining

The user drags boxed letters from the top row to a hash array below. The editor automatically chains the letters that are put into the same position.

The numbers under the top row represent the numeral value of the letters.
The numbers above the bottom row are hash array indexes.

Drags are only allowed onto the empty dotted-line boxes in the hash array.
Swapping is not allowed between nodes in the hash array chains.

The History menu is disabled for this exercise.

Exercise 2.6: Hashing; Linear Probing

The user drags boxed letters from the top row to a hash array below.

The numbers under the top row represent the numeral value of the letters.
The numbers above the bottom row are hash array indexes.

Exercise 2.7: Hashing; Double Hashing

The user drags boxed letters from the top row to a hash array below.

The numbers under the top row represent the numeral value of the letters.
The numbers above the bottom row are hash array indexes.

3.3 Round #3: Sorting

Exercise 3.1: Digital Search Tree

The editor presents an empty tree "mask" at the bottom of the window. The user drags the circled letters from the row of letters one by one into the tree.

If a letter is placed on a reserved node its contens are replaced with the new letter. The previous letter which is zoomed back to its initial position in the row.

Exercise 3.2: Shellsort

The exercise and the editor are divided in two parts. First, the user must determine which increment sequence to use. Second, the user must continue sorting one h-sort pass.

The first two arrays (white background) can be used to determine which sequence is used. The user drags the letters from the top array to the bottom array and tries to figure out the sequence.

The other two arrays (gray background) must be used to sort the next h-sort pass.

Exercise 3.3: Finding the Median (or Quicksort Partitioning)

The arrays in the white backgroud are used to determine how the first pass was done. The result of the first pass is under the empty array.

The arrays in the gray background to continue partitioning the second pass. Only the letters that are used in the second pass should be moved down to the last array.
Exercise 3.4: Heap Manipulation

  1.  A row of circled letters form an array representation of a heap at the top of the window. The letters are to be dragged to the tree representation "skeleton" of a heap at the bottom.

  2.  Then some letters are added into the heap "skeleton" (by dragging) and restoring the heap condition. You cannot add the letters before all the letters in part 1) are put into the heap.

  3.  When you are done inserting, the top element is replaced by yet another letter. This is done by dragging the letter onto the top of the heap which causes the original element zoom back to its initial place in the array at the top of the window.

  4.  After that, some elements are removed by dragging from the heap into the empty circles (and restoring the heap condition).
Exercise 3.5: Bottom-up Heap Construction

The letters are to be dragged from the array into the heap. The letters can be moved from one heap node to another. If the node is not empty, the two nodes are swapped. (If you drag a letter from the array onto a node that is not empty, the original letter is replaced and zoomed back to its initial place in the array.) Exercise 3.6: Multiway Merging; Replacement Selection

Letters are dragged from input tape to memory, "processed" there, and dragged to output tapes.

Exercise 3.7: Polyphase Merging

Drag letters between the tapes (and memory). If you drop a letter onto another, the letters are swapped.

Block separators can be left in there current places (in tapes #1 and #2).
3.4 Round #4: Graph Algorithms

Exercise 4.1: Linked list representation of a graph

The letter pairs at the top of the window represent the edges (with end nodes) of an undirected graph.

The dotted-line boxes represent an array (of linked lists).

The nodes (letters) are dragged onto the array elements to form a linked-list representation of the graph. The editor automatically chains (links) the letters in the same array position.

The letters can only be dropped on the dotted-line squares or back to their initial position. It is possible to move a letter from a linked list to another list by dragging the letter onto a dotted-line square.
Exercise 4.2: Depth-first traversal

The lists at the top are a linked-list representation of an undirected graph. At the bottom of the window is a stack.

Letters (graph nodes) are dragged to the stack on the dotted-line square. When the top element of the stack is popped (by pushin the Pop -> button), its contents are copied to a new stack.

The History menu is not available, but you can "unpop" the stack by pushing the <- Back button.

Exercise 4.3: Recursive depth-first traversal

When you click on an edge, the edge is highlighted and the nodes that are connected to it are also highlighted.

If you make a mistake just click the edge again to deselect it.

Exercise 4.4: Breadth-first traversal

The lists at the top are a linked-list representation of an undirected graph. At the bottom of the window is a queue.

Letters (graph nodes) are dragged to the queue on the dotted-line square. When the first (bottom) element of the queue is visited (by pushin the Get -> button), its contents are copied to a new queue beside the old.

The History menu is not available, but you can "unget" the queue by pushing the <- Back button.

Exercise 4.5: Breadth-first traversal

When you click on an edge, the edge is highlighted to indicate that it has been used.

If you make a mistake just click the edge again to deselect it.

Exercise 4.8: Topological Sort

The lists at the top are a linked-list representation of a directed graph. At the bottom of the window is a queue.

The aim is to sort the nodes topologically.

Drag items from the middle row to the empty row below.

Move (or swap) items in the row to sort the nodes.