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1.1 Benefits of using BSCW

BSCW supports asynchronous and synchronous cooperation with your partners over the Internet, in your Intranet or in a network with your business partners (Extranet).

For asynchronous (not simultaneous) cooperation, BSCW offers shared workspaces that groups can use to store, manage, jointly edit and share documents.

The essential advantages:

  • With a BSCW workspace, workgroups can share documents -- independent of the specific computer systems that the members use.
  • You need not install any software before using BSCW. You only need a standard Web browser.
  • You access BSCW workspaces, browse folders and download documents to your local system just like "normal" Web pages.
  • BSCW keeps you informed of all relevant events in a shared workspace.
  • You can upload documents to a shared workspace using any standard Web browser.
    Uploading documents is even more efficient if you enhance your browser with a small 'BSCW Helper' program. You can download the BSCW Helper free of charge from

For synchronous (simultaneous) cooperation, BSCW provides tools for

  • planning and organizing meetings,
  • starting 'virtual' meetings on the basis of conferencing programs or by telephone,
  • ad hoc communication with partners who are currently logged in to a shared workspace and therefore are likely to be working on a common task.

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