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3.4.1 Creating objects

In the layout of the folder page, the menu entries that create objects of different types are located on the top menu bar.

The action shortcuts also allow for creating objects like documents, folders, discussions, initiating a search or getting information on the current folder.

To create an object of a particular type, select the respective entry from the file menu or click the respective action shortcut. This will bring up a form in which to enter the information that BSCW needs to create the new object.

 File    New    Document  
lets you create a new document in the current folder.
 File    New    Folder  
lets you create a new folder in the current folder, thus extending and refining your folder hierarchy.
 File    New    URL  
lets you create a URL object whose entry in the current folder page provides a link to a resource that can be accessed via http:// or ftp://or gopher:// etc.
Section 4.11 discusses address formats of BSCW objects referenced by a URL object.
 File    New    Discussion  
lets you create a specialized folder that can contain only notes, and lets you write the first note in this discussion (see section 4.9).
 File    New    Search  
lets you create a persistent, named search result object and lets you specify the search area, search engine and query. The list of "hits" returned by the search engine will be the content of the search result object (see section 4.10).
 File    New    Doc Set  
lets you create a document set that may be continually revised and periodically published. Based on hierarchically structured templates, documents within such document sets can be automatically created by an evaluation process using the templates. The document factory is particularly useful for -- but not restricted to -- Web site management. (see section 4.16).

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