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3.4 Actions

In BSCW an action may be triggered by selecting a menu entry or clicking the button that represents the action (in the Web-based user interface and in JBrowser) or by choosing the action from the context menu of the object involved (in JBrowser only, see section 3.2.4).

Menu entries and buttons may take four forms:

1.  File    New    Document  

2. action menu Rename   in an object's action menu

3. Kloeckner     showing the info page of a user

4. members showing the group of members of a workgroup

The actions triggered by buttons like in 3. and 4. are straightforward: open and display a specific page or download a document. For the icons in this class of buttons see section 4.16.

The remainder of this section will focus on the actions triggered by menu entries like in 1. and 2.: they deserve more detailed explanations.

In the Web-based user interface, the buttons discussed here are grouped together in four positions:

  • the top menu bar of a folder page, discussion page, workgroup page etc.;
  • the selection menu bars for selected objects in a folder page, discussion page, workgroup page etc.;
  • the action menus displayed by clicking actions displayed at the righthand side of your object entry in a folder page, discussion page, workgroup page etc.

Which action menus BSCW will offer you in these places -- thus, which actions you may perform -- depends on several factors:

  • the level of proficiency that you set in your preferences (see section 4.2.4);
  • the role(access rights)you have for a folder and for the objects it contains (see section 4.7).

As a basis for personalizing the user interface, section 6.1 shows the maximum configuration of menus and action bars in the different types of pages.

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