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3.6 Personal objects

BSCW provides for each user four personal data areas whose icons are displayed in the upper right 'instant access bar':

    calendar: calendaraddress book: address bookclipboard: clipboardwastebasket: waste

These four personal objects cannot be shared with other users of the BSCW server.

The instant access bar also provides access to the workspaces of user anonymous, your server's public space:
It contains all objects of your BSCW server that may be accessed anonymously, i. e. without the procedure to identify as a registered user. Direct access to your server's public space is convenient in particular when you moderate a public-access workspace. It makes it easy to "switch personalities", look at your information through the eyes of user anonymous and be back in your own home folder page at the click of the button.

All objects represented in the instanct access bar of each of your folder pages are immediately available anywhere in the hierarchy of workspaces or folders within your home folder. Each is addressable by specific actions that copy or move objects between the personal objects and your workspaces, their lists of members etc.

Your address book and your calendar will be discussed later:

  • The address book address book, your personal address store, is mainly used to invite new members to your folders (see also section 4.4).
  • The calendar calendar is for your private access only. In addition to private calendars, BSCW provides group calendars which may be placed anywhere in your workspace hierarchy to organize your group's meetings.

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