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 previous Chapterpreviousupnext  german   Contents    Index How to configure event notification on the object level

The default configuration as described above may be overridden on a per object basis. In order to define a specific event configuration for a given folder or document, invoke action Events   on the object's action menu. The displayed form is similar to the one used for the default configuration (see previous section), but does not allow you to disable a service (this may only be done in your personal default event configuration).

To edit the default event notification configuration, click

The listed table indicates which services and event types you have subscribed to. Use the checkboxes in the form to select the event services you want to subscribe to for the specified event types on the given object. If you change the configuration for one service, this behaviour is inherited to all objects 'below' (e.g. documents in a folder). You may always restore the default configuration.

Enabling the direct email notification service on a container object (folder, meeting etc.) may result in numerous emails that are generated and delivered to your primary email address.

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