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4.6.3 Access rights

In the section Access rights, the Info page presents a table of the current access rights for each user who may access the object. This table is discussed in section 4.7.

The modification of access rights is discussed in section 4.7. You don't have to change access rights, however, if you only want to prevent accidental modification of a document, e. g. while you are editing it yourself:

  • Click action menu Version Control   for a document's entry to turn the document into a document under version control (see section 4.8 for details).
  • Click action menu Set Lock   for a document's entry to bring up the 'Set lock' form. In the 'Lock note:' field you may indicate your reason for locking the document and when you plan to release the lock.

The lock on the document is indicated by the view lock icon behind its name.

The lock will block the 'Edit' or 'Replace' actions for this document by anyone but the owner of the lock. Also 'Attach Note' is available only to the owner of the lock. A copy of the Document is not locked.

  • Click the view lock icon to display the 'Steal lock' form if the lock is owned by another member of the Workspace. This form shows the current 'lock note', if there is any. It lets you enter a new 'lock note' and 'steal' the lock, i.e., make you the new owner of the lock.

BSCW will send an email to the former owner of the lock and inform her or him of your "unfriendly takeover".

  • Click the view lock icon to display the 'Set lock' form if you are the current owner of the lock. This form shows the current 'lock note', if there is any. It lets you edit this 'lock note' or unlock the document.

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