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4.14 BSCW Helper program

As an alternative to the file upload function of your Web browser you may use a BSCW Helper program to upload documents to your workspaces. The helper programs can upload several files "in one operation" and in general they correctly recognize the MIME types of the documents. In addition, they display a progress bar to show how much longer it will take to upload the files.

Download the appropriate helper program from the BSCW homepage (, install it on your local system, configure BSCW to use an external file upload helper application and adjust your browser to handle the MIME type (application/x-bscw-helper) that brings up the Helper program.

  • select  Options    Preferences   from the menu to open the 'Edit preferences' form
  • select(checkmark) Use BSCW Helper for file upload and confirm your selection
  • choose  File    New    Document   from the menu to add a document to a workspace - your Web browser will now download a file from the BSCW server and will ask you how to handle this file
  • instruct your Web browser to start the installed BSCW Helper with this file (The file is used to launch the BSCW Helper and provide it with instructions on where to upload the files to.)
  • once you've configured your Web browser to start the installed BSCW Helper, the Helper will automatically be launched every time you want to add a document in BSCW.

The BSCW Helper programs may be used without a license fee.

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