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4.14.3 Helper for MacOS

MacOS 7 or better; MacOS 7.5 or better for 'drag & drop'.
The BSCW Macintosh helper is used to upload multiple files to a BSCW workspace. By default the uploader binhexes files to preserve the integrity of the file when moved between platforms (i.e. to include the 'resource fork'). The default behaviour can be overriden for files which should not be binhexed (i.e. do not store critical information in the resource fork, e.g. Microsoft Word documents) by storing document type information in a configuration file. The helper supports multiple file-upload, drag and drop, and full progress reporting.
You can select documents for upload using the helper's 'browse' button which opens a standard file selection dialogue. Alternatively, if you use System 7.5, you can simply drag and drop files onto the helper window (if you don't use 7.5, make an alias to the application and move this alias to the desktop; then you can drag and drop files onto this alias and they appear in the helper's window).
Note: you cannot launch the helper by double clicking the program icon - it must be launched from within BSCW workspace by selecting the add document feature.

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