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The information provided in the user view of JMonitor is more difficult to use, because there may be some room for mis-interpretation:

  • you may not be visible as being online though you are actually working with the server -- because your JMonitor applet has not been started;
  • you may be visible as being online -- because your BSCW session on that server is open all day, though inactive, and you have failed to set your availability to 'away/busy'.

To fully benefit from the user view of JMonitor, the members of your workspaces should follow four simple rules:

  • include all member of the workspace in your address book.
  • in the JMonitor preferences menu select 'auto-launch' to automatically bring up the JMonitor each time you login
    (For this function to work, you have to let your Web browser accept cookies and enable JavaScript in your Web browser.)
  • update the availability status whenever it changes.
  • indicate in the 'away/busy' message, at what time you will be available again.

If all members of your Workspaces follow these rules, the JMonitor user view provides fast and reliable information and is a valuable tool for establishing a quick, informal contact to other members who are using BSCW at the same time as you.

Select a user in the user view and use right-mouse-click to open up a pop-up menu that lets you:

  • open the user info page of the selected user
  • send an email to selected user
  • send a short message to that user
  • start a chat session with that user
  • invite that user to an existing chat session with other users
  • contact the user using the conferencing applications provided by the selected user

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