Class tred.HashStreamItem
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Class tred.HashStreamItem


public class HashStreamItem
extends StreamItem
Implementation to Items of HashStream. HashStreamItems are similar to the StreamItems but the hashvalue of the label is displayed just below the rounding box of the item.

Constructor Index

 o HashStreamItem(String)
This is the constructor for HashStreamItem.

Method Index

 o getBounds()
 o paint(Graphics)
This method is invoked when this item is draw into the screen.


 o HashStreamItem
  public HashStreamItem(String label)
This is the constructor for HashStreamItem. It simply does nothing but invokes the super constructor.
See Also:


 o getBounds
  public Rectangle getBounds()
getBounds in class EditorObject
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g)
This method is invoked when this item is draw into the screen. The behaviour is same as in the StreamItem:paint() method except that the hashItem also has a hashvalue displayed just below the bounding box.
value of super.paint().
paint in class StreamItem

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