Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


action(Event, Object). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
action(Event, Object). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
This method is called when an action occurs inside this component.
add(Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
This method inserts object as an element at the first position.
add(String, String, String, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
add(String, String, String, int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked when new object is added into the editor by class TraklaEdit.
addObject(EditorObject). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Adds an new object to the end of the list of editorObjects.
addPanel(EditorObject). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
addPanel(EditorPanel). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method is invoked when a new EditorPanel is created.
addPanel(Element). Method in class tred.Element
This method is invoked when a new Element is created.
addStr. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
String to add to the beginning of the answer when object is exported.
animated. Static variable in class tred.EditorObject
animatorMove(EditorObject). Method in class tred.EditorObject
animImpl. Static variable in class tred.EditorObject
Here is the reference to implementation of the interface Animated.
append(Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
This method appends the new object to the list.
append(String). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
append(String). Method in class tred.NodePanel
append(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel


back_b. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
backward. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
begin. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
begin_b. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
buttons. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor


click(). Method in class tred.Edge
This method is implemented to be overridden.
click(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is implemented to be overridden.
clone(). Method in class tred.Slot
This class doesn't implement cloneable but allow subclasses to support clone.
contains(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject


DEBUG. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
debug information is printed while debug flag is on
delete(int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
delete(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
delete(int, int). Method in class tred.Item
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
disable(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method disables the object.
disabled(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
disableItem(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Disables movement of argument item str.
dstr. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
String to mark null items when object is exported.
dx. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
dy. Variable in class tred.EditorObject


Edge(int, Slot, Slot). Constructor for class tred.Edge
This constructor initializes all the fields.
Edge(Slot, Slot). Constructor for class tred.Edge
EditorObject(). Constructor for class tred.EditorObject
editorPanel. Variable in class tred.Slot
EditorPanel(GraphPanel, String, String, int). Constructor for class tred.EditorPanel
This is the abstract contructor for all panels and every subclass should invoke this constructor in order to set the graphPanel, label, items, len (length of items string i.e.
Element(GraphPanel, String, int). Constructor for class tred.Element
This is the abstract contructor for all elements and every subclass should invoke this constructor in order to set the fields graphPanel, label and space.
element(int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
Non movable panels which have movable elements should override this method to return the element which should be moved when picked.
element(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
Non movable panels which have movable elements should override this method to return the element which should be moved when picked.
elements. Variable in class tred.Element
elements(). Method in class tred.ListObject
return an Enumeration for the current list of elements.
enable(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method enables the object.
encode(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked when a new encoding substitution is added to database.
end. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
end_b. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
export. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
export(EditorObject, MyPrintStream). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
This method is invoked when an object panel is exported.
export(GraphPanel). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked when user wants to export exercise.
export(MyPrintStream). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.


findObject(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
findPanel(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
firstElement(). Method in class tred.ListObject
fixed. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
This flag indicates that this object is currently picked up by mouse.
font. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
fontMetrics. Static variable in class tred.EditorObject
static fontMetrics
forw_b. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
forward. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
fslot. Variable in class tred.Edge


getAppletInfo(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the version and author of this applet.
getBounds. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
getBounds(). Method in class tred.Edge
getBounds(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
getBounds(). Method in class tred.HashStreamItem
getBounds(). Method in class tred.Tree
getCourseID(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the current course id.
getElement(int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
getExerciseId(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the current exercise number.
getFrom(). Method in class tred.Edge
getGraphPanel(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
getHead(). Method in class tred.BPlus
Head of the tree is not the same as root slot of the tree.
getItem(). Method in class tred.Slot
getItemSize(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
getMyRoot(). Method in class tred.Slot
getOrder(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
getPostURL(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the URL to cgi-script which is used to deliver export.
getRoundID(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the current round of exercises.
getSize(). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method returns the size of this graphPanel.
getSlot(). Method in class tred.Item
getSlot(int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
This method determines which slot of this panel is located in (x,y).
getSlot(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method determines which slot of this panel is located in (x,y).
getSlot(int, int). Method in class tred.Trash
This method determines which slot of this panel is located in (x,y).
getSpace(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method returns the space between slots of this panel.
getSpace(). Method in class tred.Element
This method returns the absolute space between subelements of this element.
getState(String). Method in class tred.EditorButton
This method is invoked in order to get the state of this panel for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method is invoked in order to get the state of this panel for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.Graph
This method is invoked in order to get the state of this panel for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.MatrixPanel
This method is invoked in order to get the state of Matrix for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.Stack
This method is invoked in order to get the state of Stack for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.TextAreaPanel
This method is invoked in order to get the state of this panel for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.TextFieldPanel
This method is invoked in order to get the state of this panel for export.
getState(String). Method in class tred.Tree
This method is invoked in order to get the state of tree for export.
getTo(). Method in class tred.Edge
getTrash(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
getUserID(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Returns the current user id.
Graph(GraphPanel, String, String, int). Constructor for class tred.Graph
This is the default constructor for Graph.
graphPanel. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
This field contains the GraphPanel where this object belongs.
GraphPanel(TraklaEditor). Constructor for class tred.GraphPanel
This is the constructor for GraphPanel invoked by Applet.


HashStreamItem(String). Constructor for class tred.HashStreamItem
This is the constructor for HashStreamItem.
height. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Every editorObject has size (width x height).
hide(boolean). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method sets the hidden flag which determines if this object is visible or not.


id. Variable in class tred.Slot
indexOf(Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
init(). Method in class tred.TraklaEditor
Parses the parameters and initializes the GraphPanel and all buttons needed for editing.
insert(Object, Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
This method inserts object as an element at the position after object after.
insertBefore(Object, Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
This method inserts object as an element at the position before object befObj.
insertItem(Item, EditorObject). Method in class tred.Slot
insertItemBefore(Item, EditorObject). Method in class tred.Slot
This method is invoked when a new item is inserted into this tree.
insertObject(EditorObject). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Inserts an new object to the beginning of the list of editorObjects.
inside(int, int). Method in class tred.Edge
This method is invoked by the GraphPanel in order to determine if this edge is "near enough" to position (x,y).
inside(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This is the general method for inside.
intersects(EditorObject, int, int, int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
invoked(String). Method in class tred.EditorObject
isInfinite(). Method in class tred.Item
isLinkSlot(). Method in class tred.Slot
isListPanel. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
isMarker(). Method in class tred.MovedObject
isTreeOrientated(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
isVisible(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
item. Variable in class tred.Slot
items. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
Items to be created by panel.
itemsize. Static variable in class tred.EditorObject
This is the static itemsize value.


lastElement(). Method in class tred.ListObject
lbl. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Every editorObject has a label.
len. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
The length of string items (#nbr of items to be created by panel).
list. Variable in class tred.Slot
ListObject(). Constructor for class tred.ListObject
This is the constructor for ListObject.


markMovement(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is called when the mouse button is pushed inside this component, in which case the x and y arguments contains the x and y field of the event argument.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is called when the mouse button is moved inside this component with the button pushed, in which case the x and y arguments contains the x and y field of the event argument.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is called when the mouse button is released inside this component, in which case the x and y arguments contains the x and y field of the event argument.
move(). Method in class tred.BPlus
Shorthand notation for move(this, -1, -1)
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
These methods (move()) are implemented to be overridden.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.Edge
Edge is not a movable object as items are but when edge is picked (and this method invoked) we toggle the traveled flag of this edge.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.EditorButton
These methods (move()) are implemented to be overridden.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
These methods (move()) are implemented to be overridden.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.Item
This method changes the objects slot reference to new location.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.MatrixPanel
This is the special move method for Matrix and is invoked by AnimImpl in order to handle all the movements one Matrix movement needs to do.
move(EditorObject, int, int). Method in class tred.Stack
This is the special move method for Stack and is invoked by AnimImpl in order to handle all the movements one stack movement needs to do.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is implemented to be subclassed.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method is implemented to be subclassed.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.Element
This method is implemented to be subclassed.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.Item
This method changes the objects x and y coordinates to new location.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.MatrixPanel
This method is implemented to be subclassed.
move(int, int). Method in class tred.Tree
move disabled with trees note that there was some problems if the tree was movable: refer exercise .24 and .25, which didn't export correctly if the tree was moved (Cannot get inputStream)
move(Trash, int, int). Method in class tred.Item
moveBackward(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
moveBackward(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.
moveBegin(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
moveBegin(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.
moveEnd(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
moveEnd(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.
moveForward(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
moveForward(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.
moveObject(EditorObject, EditorObject, EditorObject). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
This method keeps record of movements on the screen.
moveObject(EditorObject, EditorObject, EditorObject). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
MyPrintStream(OutputStream). Constructor for class tred.MyPrintStream


nameOf(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
Unsupported method.
newState(int, Edge, boolean). Method in class tred.Graph
This method is invoked by class Edge to keep track of visit order.
nextCloneId. Static variable in class tred.Slot
nextPosition. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
nslots. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
Number of slots in this panel.


objects. Variable in class tred.GraphPanel
ok_b. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
options. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
outputStateList. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Table of Strs to indicate which state (before some obj) is exported.


paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.BPlus
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Edge
Paint method for Edge.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.EditorButton
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Element
This method is invoked when this element is drawn into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Graph
This method is invoked when this graph is drawed on the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Invokes method update().
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.HashStreamItem
This method is invoked when this item is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Item
Generic paint method for Items.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.MatrixPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.NodeItem
Generic paint method for Items.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.NodeListPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.NodePanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Slot
This is the generic paint method for all slots.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Stack
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.StackPanel
This method draws the name of the StackPanel to top of the area.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.StreamItem
This method is invoked when this item is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.StreamPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.TextAreaPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.TextFieldPanel
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Trash
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class tred.Tree
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area.
paint(Graphics, int, int). Method in class tred.Slot
this method is rewritten to method setLocation in the future.
paint(Graphics, int, int). Method in class tred.TreeSlot
this method is rewritten to method setLocation in the future.
paint(Graphics, Rectangle). Method in class tred.BPlus
For speeding up the update procedure one might override this method in order to update only the given area of the object.
paint(Graphics, Rectangle). Method in class tred.EditorObject
For speeding up the update procedure one might override this method in order to update only the given area of the object.
panel. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
play_buttons. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
pop. Variable in class tred.MatrixPanel
pop. Variable in class tred.Stack
pop(). Method in class tred.Stack
This method is invoked when the pop-button is pushed.
position. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
Logical position of the panel on the screen.
println(). Method in class tred.MyPrintStream
println(String). Method in class tred.MyPrintStream
push(). Method in class tred.EditorButton
putItem(Item). Method in class tred.Slot
This method is invoked when an item is going to move into this slot.
putItem(Item). Method in class tred.TreeSlot
This method is invoked when an item is going to move into this slot.
putList(Item). Method in class tred.Slot
This method is invoked when new item is put to list of this slot.


realName. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
remove(Object). Method in class tred.ListObject
Deletes the element object from the vector.
removeObject(EditorObject). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Removes the object from the list of editorObjects.
rename(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked by TraklaEditor when an object is renamed.
reset(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
reset(). Method in class tred.EditorButton
Subclasses which have something to reset should override this method.
reset(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
Subclasses which have something to reset should override this method.
reset(). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Resets all movable objects to the initial states.
reset(). Method in class tred.TextAreaPanel
Subclasses which have something to reset should override this method.
reset(). Method in class tred.TextFieldPanel
Subclasses which have something to reset should override this method.
resetBuffers(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
resize(). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
resize(Dimension). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
resize(int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked when the size of the screen is changed.
resize(int, int). Method in class tred.GraphPanel


setFont(Font). Method in class tred.EditorButton
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont(Font). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont(Font). Method in class tred.Stack
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont(Font). Method in class tred.TextAreaPanel
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont(Font). Method in class tred.TextFieldPanel
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is called when the this component receives the input focus.
setFontMetrics(FontMetrics). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is invoked in order to set the fontMetrics for all objects.
setGraphPanel(GraphPanel). Method in class tred.EditorObject
setHead(BSlot). Method in class tred.BPlus
This methos is invoked when a new root slot is created for this tree and are set to newHead.
setInfinite(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
setInfinite(). Method in class tred.Item
setInfinite(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Set infinite properties for argument panel str.
setItemSize(int). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method initializes the itemsize field.
setLinkSlot(). Method in class tred.Slot
setListArray(String). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method creates the ListObject for the items in this panel.
setListArray(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Set listArray properties for argument panel str.
setLocation(). Method in class tred.BPlus
setLocation(int, int). Method in class tred.Slot
setOrder(String). Method in class tred.EditorObject
setOrder(String). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
setOrder(String). Method in class tred.Tree
This method is invoked to set the order of output.
setOrder(String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Set order of the output (for trees) to panel str.
setOrientation(boolean). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
setOutput(String, String, EditorObject, EditorObject). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method sets the object to be exportable.
setOutput(String, String, String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Marks object to be exportable.
setTestRound(boolean). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
This method is invoked when the TraklaEdit wants to determine wheter this exercise is demo exercise or not;
setTrash(Trash). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
shadowed(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method marks slots of this panel as shadowed.
shadowed(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
Implement slots of argument panel str as shadowed.
shadowItem. Variable in class tred.Slot
show(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
This method marks names of slots of this panels to be displayed.
showableSlots(). Method in class tred.EditorPanel
showSlot(String). Method in class tred.GraphPanel
size. Variable in class tred.TraklaEditor
size(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is invoked to get the size of this object.
size(). Method in class tred.ListObject
Slot(EditorPanel, int). Constructor for class tred.Slot
This is the generic constructor for all slots.
slots. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
Table of slots.
solve(). Method in class tred.Solution
space. Variable in class tred.EditorPanel
Space between slots.
split(int, int). Method in class tred.BPlus
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
split(int, int). Method in class tred.EditorObject
This methid is implemented to be overridden.


textArea(). Method in class tred.TextAreaPanel
textField(). Method in class tred.TextFieldPanel
toString(). Method in class tred.Edge
toString(). Method in class tred.EditorButton
toString(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
toString(). Method in class tred.Item
toString(). Method in class tred.ListObject
toString(). Method in class tred.Slot
touch(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
Informs this object to recalculate it's position.
touch(boolean). Method in class tred.EditorObject
Sets or unsets the touched field.
touchAll(). Method in class tred.AnimatedImpl
touchAll(). Static method in class tred.EditorObject
This method is forwarded to animImpl object and sets touched field for every object.
touched. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
This field indicates wheter this object should recalculate it's position.
touched(). Method in class tred.EditorObject
TraklaEditor(). Constructor for class tred.TraklaEditor
trash. Static variable in class tred.EditorObject
tslot. Variable in class tred.Edge


update(Graphics). Method in class tred.GraphPanel


Warning(String). Method in class tred.EditorObject
WARNINGS. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
width. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Every editorObject has size (width x height).


x. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Every editorObject has a upper left corner (x,y).


y. Variable in class tred.EditorObject
Every editorObject has a upper left corner (x,y).