Class tred.Stack
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Class tred.Stack


public class Stack
extends NodePanel
implementation to Stack.

Variable Index

 o pop

Method Index

 o getState(String)
This method is invoked in order to get the state of Stack for export.
 o move(EditorObject, int, int)
This is the special move method for Stack and is invoked by AnimImpl in order to handle all the movements one stack movement needs to do.
 o paint(Graphics)
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
 o pop()
This method is invoked when the pop-button is pushed.
 o setFont(Font)
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent


 o pop
  protected Button pop


 o setFont
  public final void setFont(Font font)
This method should be overridden in order to invoke setFont for every subComponent
setFont in class EditorObject
 o pop
  public void pop()
This method is invoked when the pop-button is pushed. A new slot (with stack pile) is created.
 o move
  public void move(EditorObject object,
                   int x,
                   int y)
This is the special move method for Stack and is invoked by AnimImpl in order to handle all the movements one stack movement needs to do. There could be several move operations (many items could be moved) in one stack move operation. The pop-method marks the beginning and end of the pop operation and when a backward/forward button in pressed we have to make all the move operations between those states as a one move operation. To make this method compatible with all the other move methods, the animImpl class delivers also parameters which are ignored.
object - move backward if object is null, move forward if not. (this is the way pop-method marks the beginning/end)
x - not needed
y - not needed
move in class EditorObject
 o getState
  protected String getState(String str)
This method is invoked in order to get the state of Stack for export.
str - is the substitute string for empty slot.
the current state (string of items in the slots) of this stack.
getState in class EditorPanel
See Also:
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g)
This method is invoked when this panel is draw into the screen.
paint in class NodePanel

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