Class tred.Tree
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Class tred.Tree


public class Tree
extends NodePanel
implementation to Tree

Method Index

 o getBounds()
 o getState(String)
This method is invoked in order to get the state of tree for export.
 o move(int, int)
move disabled with trees note that there was some problems if the tree was movable: refer exercise .24 and .25, which didn't export correctly if the tree was moved (Cannot get inputStream)
 o paint(Graphics)
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area.
 o setOrder(String)
This method is invoked to set the order of output.


 o move
  public final void move(int x,
                         int y)
move disabled with trees note that there was some problems if the tree was movable: refer exercise .24 and .25, which didn't export correctly if the tree was moved (Cannot get inputStream)
move in class EditorPanel
 o getBounds
  public Rectangle getBounds()
getBounds in class EditorObject
 o setOrder
  public void setOrder(String order)
This method is invoked to set the order of output. The default is tree order.
order - is a string which determines the output order. Possible values: LEVEL
setOrder in class EditorPanel
See Also:
 o getState
  protected String getState(String str)
This method is invoked in order to get the state of tree for export.
str - is the substitute string for empty slot.
the current state (string of items in the slots) of this panel.
getState in class EditorPanel
See Also:
export, setOrder
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g)
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area. After that all the slots are drawed as tree-like style by invoking the paint method for slots and then drawing the connecting lines between parent slot and target slot.
paint in class NodePanel

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