Class tred.AnimatedImpl
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Class tred.AnimatedImpl


public class AnimatedImpl
extends Object
implements Animated
Animated implementation to replay Item moves.

Method Index

 o addPanel(EditorObject)
 o export(EditorObject, MyPrintStream)
This method is invoked when an object panel is exported.
 o moveBackward()
 o moveBegin()
 o moveEnd()
 o moveForward()
 o moveObject(EditorObject, EditorObject, EditorObject)
This method keeps record of movements on the screen.
 o reset()
 o touchAll()


 o reset
  public void reset()
 o moveObject
  public void moveObject(EditorObject obj,
                         EditorObject fromObj,
                         EditorObject toObj)
This method keeps record of movements on the screen. It invokes the method move of object obj and determines if the movement was legal. If the move request was accepted and there was object toObj (!=null) the movement was recorded so that it could be replayed. If there is no object toObj the movement is not recorded but the object might have changed it's location.
 o moveBackward
  public void moveBackward()
 o moveForward
  public void moveForward()
 o moveEnd
  public void moveEnd()
 o moveBegin
  public void moveBegin()
 o touchAll
  public void touchAll()
 o export
  public void export(EditorObject panel,
                     MyPrintStream printStream)
This method is invoked when an object panel is exported. Method searches the panel's before list and determines which states are exported or exports all states if there is no special states defined.
panel - is the EditorPanel to be exported.
MyPrintStream - is the stream where output is printed.
 o addPanel
  public void addPanel(EditorObject panel)

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