Class tred.BPlus
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Class tred.BPlus


public class BPlus
extends Tree
implementation to BPlus

Method Index

 o delete(int, int)
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
 o element(int, int)
Non movable panels which have movable elements should override this method to return the element which should be moved when picked.
 o getElement(int, int)
 o getHead()
Head of the tree is not the same as root slot of the tree.
 o getSlot(int, int)
This method determines which slot of this panel is located in (x,y).
 o intersects(EditorObject, int, int, int, int)
 o move()
Shorthand notation for move(this, -1, -1)
 o move(EditorObject, int, int)
These methods (move()) are implemented to be overridden.
 o paint(Graphics)
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area.
 o paint(Graphics, Rectangle)
For speeding up the update procedure one might override this method in order to update only the given area of the object.
 o setHead(BSlot)
This methos is invoked when a new root slot is created for this tree and are set to newHead.
 o setLocation()
 o split(int, int)
This methid is implemented to be overridden.


 o getHead
  public BSlot getHead()
Head of the tree is not the same as root slot of the tree. A tree has a head slot which is treated as a "pointer to the root slot" of the given tree.
BSlot head - head pointer (slot) of the tree
 o setHead
  public void setHead(BSlot newHead)
This methos is invoked when a new root slot is created for this tree and are set to newHead. Note: this method do not take care of the old root and it's children! The calling method should take care of setting the old root as a child of new root or what else is correct.
newHead - - the new root slot of this tree
 o delete
  public boolean delete(int x,
                        int y)
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
delete in class EditorObject
 o split
  public boolean split(int x,
                       int y)
This methid is implemented to be overridden.
split in class EditorObject
 o element
  public EditorObject element(int x,
                              int y)
Non movable panels which have movable elements should override this method to return the element which should be moved when picked.
element in class EditorObject
 o move
  public void move(EditorObject object,
                   int x,
                   int y)
These methods (move()) are implemented to be overridden.
move in class EditorObject
 o move
  public void move()
Shorthand notation for move(this, -1, -1)
 o getSlot
  public Slot getSlot(int x,
                      int y)
This method determines which slot of this panel is located in (x,y).
the slot in coordinates (x,y). If there is no slot in the (x,y) return null.
getSlot in class EditorPanel
 o getElement
  public EditorObject getElement(int x,
                                 int y)
 o intersects
  public boolean intersects(EditorObject p,
                            int x,
                            int y,
                            int width,
                            int height)
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g)
This method draws the name of the tree to top of the area. After that all the slots are drawed as tree-like style by invoking the paint method for slots and then drawing the connecting lines between parent slot and target slot.
paint in class Tree
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g,
                       Rectangle rect)
For speeding up the update procedure one might override this method in order to update only the given area of the object.
paint in class EditorObject
 o setLocation
  public void setLocation()

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