Class tred.Edge
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Class tred.Edge


public class Edge
extends EditorObject
Class Edge is the implementation for edges of the Class Graph.

Variable Index

 o fslot
 o tslot

Constructor Index

 o Edge(int, Slot, Slot)
This constructor initializes all the fields.
 o Edge(Slot, Slot)

Method Index

 o click()
This method is implemented to be overridden.
 o getBounds()
 o getFrom()
 o getTo()
 o inside(int, int)
This method is invoked by the GraphPanel in order to determine if this edge is "near enough" to position (x,y).
 o move(EditorObject, int, int)
Edge is not a movable object as items are but when edge is picked (and this method invoked) we toggle the traveled flag of this edge.
 o paint(Graphics)
Paint method for Edge.
 o toString()


 o fslot
  protected Slot fslot
 o tslot
  protected Slot tslot


 o Edge
  public Edge(int id,
              Slot fslot,
              Slot tslot)
This constructor initializes all the fields. It also sets the label for this edge.
g - is the Graph which this edge belongs to.
id - is the id-number of this edge.
fslot - is the slot where this edge starts from.
tslot - is the slot where this edge ends to.
 o Edge
  public Edge(Slot fslot,
              Slot tslot)


 o getTo
  public Slot getTo()
 o getFrom
  public Slot getFrom()
 o getBounds
  public Rectangle getBounds()
getBounds in class EditorObject
 o move
  public void move(EditorObject obj,
                   int x,
                   int y)
Edge is not a movable object as items are but when edge is picked (and this method invoked) we toggle the traveled flag of this edge.
move in class EditorObject
 o click
  public void click()
This method is implemented to be overridden.
click in class EditorObject
 o inside
  public boolean inside(int x,
                        int y)
This method is invoked by the GraphPanel in order to determine if this edge is "near enough" to position (x,y).
true if this edge is "near enought" (some two pixels) to point (x,y).
inside in class EditorObject
 o paint
  public boolean paint(Graphics g)
Paint method for Edge. Draws an solid line between fromSlot and toSlot. If traveled flag is set, the line is thicker.
allways true.
paint in class EditorObject
 o toString
  public String toString()
toString in class EditorObject

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